Saturday, May 31, 2008

Entering the Old Place

This is the entrance to Edinburgh Castle, You will see white skies because it is 99% of the time cloudy. When you shoot a cloudy sky it comes out white. Sorry about that, but it's out of my control. I would get about 5 min of sun shine a day.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Tied In Knots

This tree is in Scotland at the park just below Edinburgh Castle. It ties itself in knots. I know where the Celtic Knots come from. These kind of trees. TTFN BJ

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rock and Snow

From the hot to the cold. The desert is always interesting. TTFN BJ

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Ball Court

A single door looking down on the ball court. TTFN BJ

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Room With a View

You can see the edge of a little mesa lined with the same type of rock used in the walls.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Slim Shadow

Finishing off Chaco canyon while I upload the photo's from Scotland and England TTFN BJ

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The wind loves me. It has followed me everywhere I've been. It veries from a nice breeze to "Gone with the wind". At Badlands it was gone with the wind. Which makes it interesting to try to take pictures." Lean into the wind". Then the wind stoppes for a fraction of a second. Sway alarmingly. Back to leaning into the wind. I may bring some home with me. The clouds come wiht the wind so the sky will be looking a little white. We even have rain to go with the clouds. Want some? Well have to get blown away again. TTFN BJ

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We have, along with getting the laundry done, gone and seen the great corm palace. Ta Da. It's great the entire outside of the building from about 5 feet up is decorated in murals made out of corn, and some other stuff. They also have murals on the inside. They change out the decorations each year and have a really cool competition for the next years pictures. The "palace" is used for big basketball games, graduations, wrestling meets and such during the school year. They have a huge store on the inside during the tourist months to help get money to keep in running. We are going to see Wall's store next. It should be really interesting. TTFN BJ

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I now have a horror story that beats Boston rush hour. Chicago rush hour. Their freeways are 1- not free you have to pay tole about every 10 miles or so, and 2 they don't believe in intercanges. You drive along and then it is like shuffing cards to get to the right turn off. AAAAAAAAAAAH! They have and express 2 lanes on the middle that only have an exit point ever so offen but when it's time to get off you have to go from the middle 2 lanes through 4 lines of trafic to get to the exit lane. Shuffle, Shuffle, Shuffle, and numberous cars on the side of the road with fender bender accidents. TTTTHHHEENN. Their "not free way" after that, was under construction. By the time we reached to KOA we felt like jelly. Quiver, quiver, duah. We were supposed to do a night time check in but David was brain dead and couldn't do it so I tried. HA! Instead of subtracting the 10% because of our KOA card I added it. Needless to say I was at the office when it first opened to fix everything. We are now on an actual FREE way and doing fine. TTFN BJ

Monday, May 19, 2008

My post didn't post so if this is a repeat I'm sorry. We are going to go see a missle silo I think tomarrow. David reserved a slot for us in a day or is it the day after. Not sure. But we can't miss out spot. We have been driving alot these last 2 days so we could be there on time. It is getting warmer it's about up to 58 here. I am at the Allen County library, the largest geneology library in the east. Humm could that be why David stopped here? Well I'm going to look around a bit. This kids part of the library is realy great with fish tanks and a realy cool reading area. Going to go wonder. TTFN BJ
Well we are in warmer weather it's about 58 here. We are ate the largest county library around, it also has the bigest geneology library in the East. Hummm is that why David stoped here? It's childres section is realy great. It is comprebal to ours at home. We've been driving alot these last 2 dys because David has reservations to see some missile silos in S. Decota not far from Mt Rushmore. We can't be late. It should be intersting. Well looking around a bit more in the livbrary. TTFN BJ

Sunday, May 18, 2008

In watching TV this morning I saw that the temputure was 90 in Salt Lake. David promptly said "Lets stay here." This is going to be shock to our systems because we have been in 50 or less tempture for the whole time. It is just starting to warm up becuase we are starting to move west. Fog, rain, and cold rain was what we were in on Prince Edward Island. That is where Anne of Green Gables was written. Yes we do have pictures of the house eventuly. What happend was that we were going down the road and there was a sign that said Green Gables. So we took pictures of the house. I thought it was kind of small, then we stoped by a information center and found out that was the post office. They had written postoffice in very small letters at the bottom of the sign. I think they did that so dumb turests like us would take picutres of their post office. But hay when it comes to signs the sign on Andrews blog (good luck) is so true. I laughed alot when I saw that sign. Have to get ready to go. TTFN BJ

Friday, May 16, 2008

I am now seriously considering the digital camera. OK! :) We are now on Prince Edward Island. That is were Ann of Green Gables was written. There will be the obligatory shot of the gables. It has been drizzling on us for 2 days now. I miss the sun, but most everyting is green excipt the trees. Not the evergreen ones but the others like birch and ash. They are still sort of stickish. The sky is gray. the Ocean is gray. I will be buying st. john's wort soon if I don't get some sort of sun. Alot of the campgrounds arn't open yet so we have to stay in a motel. Oh drat how can I survive. But the cable TV is fun. Out of 75 channles there are 3 worth watching. History channel, discover channel ( mith busters forever) and some other one that has CSI. Poliece soap operas rock. We have seen lots of lobester boats and some tall masted ships. I had this brain storme for Tom and Jake, get a 3 masted ship and has a pirate cruse where everyone that takes a curse is part of a pirate ship. AAAARRRG! Then cruse around that caribian. Ta Da that is my deep thought for the week. See you when we get home. TTFN BJ

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

If you want to see light houses then you nees to come to the Meritime Providences they have 105 of them. We have seen a few, I don't think that we will try for all of them. Some can only be seen if you are on a boat coming into shore. The wind has been blowing hard today. Along the line of abt. 60 mph. It feels like more. Having a great time. I shot some great pictures. Can't waite till there devloped and scanned in so I can start posting them. TTFN BJ

Sunday, May 11, 2008

We're back in Canada. They have really cool light houses. The lighthouses in Canada on the east coast are even better that the ones in Main. We were at a museum in a shopping mall. In the same mall,( 3 stories tall) there was the city library. Then there was a sky walkway that took you to another mall. Really fun. One of these days all the Girls in the family need to go mall walking. David is great but mall walking is a "kind of a girl thing". David told me that Gidian was deaf. Well now I have the best reason to learn sign language. I've wanted to learn for a while I just never got around to doing anything about it. Back to school.( change of subject) The forest is green and brown. the pine and fur trees are the green and all the other trees don't have any leaves yet. A sticks and tree forest. I saw an eastern red deer. They are about half the size of a mule deer but the coat of the deer with it's redish color is beautiful. I haven't seen any moose so far but you never know. TTFN Love All BJ

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It is realy cold right now. The wind is blowing and the skies are very gray. But it is fun anyway. I shot some realy good pictures of the light house, it's red and white striped. The sky is gray so it should be interesting on how they come out. I even have some shots of loberster boats. The sand beach in Acadia Nat. Part was a three roll shoot. So neat. Andrew post some shots of Hunter on you internet site. (Luminary or on Heathers's) He is probably grown alot by now. Having a great time. Love TTFN BY P.S. Happy Mother's Day to everyone.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

David and I went to the Ben and Jerry's ice cream factoury. That was great fun. ( With samples at the end of the tour.) What I though was cute was the restrooms for the stick figure for men and women they were holding an icecream cone in their hand. Ha Ha. At the place where we had breakfast this morning they had. Bouys for the boys and Gulls for the girls. He He. We are heading to Arcadia Nat. Park today. It should be great. I think I'm over the jet lag. Coming back into the US we were diverted from the main border crossing because of a suspisus package. They had us drive to a little podunk border crossing. It was a long line to get through. Ah the excitement of life. Nothing went boom so everyting is ok. Having a great time. TTFN. BJ

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hi all. I made it. The plane was about an hour late but David was waiting for me. To Da I am now a world traveler. I know how the trains work in England. They are realy neat to get around on. I can use the busses in Edinburgh. A very good thing to know, because you don't want to drive there. Trust me. When I get the pictures scaned in when I get home you will know why. The Lake District was fantastic. They have so many stone walls there that the walls would circle the earth two times if stuck end to end. The walls were made a few hundred years ago and are still standing. It was lambing time and they were so cute in the fields with their moms. I'm still a little bit tired from all the plane travel. Well I must have brought the rain with me becuase it's raining in Canada. The morning Vangie and I left Windemere I looked out the window I gave her the weather report. '' It's not raining, YET." Love you all. Hope to get a picture in sometime, as soon as I can get to a computer that will let me. TTFN BJ

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Lake District is fantastic and then some. I am ready to fly out in the morning. Just a bit tired from all the traveling. It has been really great. Will have to do an update a little later because I am so tired. Love to all BJ