Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I now have a horror story that beats Boston rush hour. Chicago rush hour. Their freeways are 1- not free you have to pay tole about every 10 miles or so, and 2 they don't believe in intercanges. You drive along and then it is like shuffing cards to get to the right turn off. AAAAAAAAAAAH! They have and express 2 lanes on the middle that only have an exit point ever so offen but when it's time to get off you have to go from the middle 2 lanes through 4 lines of trafic to get to the exit lane. Shuffle, Shuffle, Shuffle, and numberous cars on the side of the road with fender bender accidents. TTTTHHHEENN. Their "not free way" after that, was under construction. By the time we reached to KOA we felt like jelly. Quiver, quiver, duah. We were supposed to do a night time check in but David was brain dead and couldn't do it so I tried. HA! Instead of subtracting the 10% because of our KOA card I added it. Needless to say I was at the office when it first opened to fix everything. We are now on an actual FREE way and doing fine. TTFN BJ

1 comment:

Andy said...

my sympathies