Friday, May 16, 2008

I am now seriously considering the digital camera. OK! :) We are now on Prince Edward Island. That is were Ann of Green Gables was written. There will be the obligatory shot of the gables. It has been drizzling on us for 2 days now. I miss the sun, but most everyting is green excipt the trees. Not the evergreen ones but the others like birch and ash. They are still sort of stickish. The sky is gray. the Ocean is gray. I will be buying st. john's wort soon if I don't get some sort of sun. Alot of the campgrounds arn't open yet so we have to stay in a motel. Oh drat how can I survive. But the cable TV is fun. Out of 75 channles there are 3 worth watching. History channel, discover channel ( mith busters forever) and some other one that has CSI. Poliece soap operas rock. We have seen lots of lobester boats and some tall masted ships. I had this brain storme for Tom and Jake, get a 3 masted ship and has a pirate cruse where everyone that takes a curse is part of a pirate ship. AAAARRRG! Then cruse around that caribian. Ta Da that is my deep thought for the week. See you when we get home. TTFN BJ


Anonymous said...

Hazah! Myth Busters forevere!

Ki said...

Well, crying outloud! It's about time. Film. Indeed!

Gable shots, huh? (Note to self; set aside whole week for veiwing pics).

See you soonish. Val and Zane miss both of you. At least I think Z does. All he's done is cry since you left, but that might just be the cold.

I know V does. He tells me all the time.