Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hi all. I made it. The plane was about an hour late but David was waiting for me. To Da I am now a world traveler. I know how the trains work in England. They are realy neat to get around on. I can use the busses in Edinburgh. A very good thing to know, because you don't want to drive there. Trust me. When I get the pictures scaned in when I get home you will know why. The Lake District was fantastic. They have so many stone walls there that the walls would circle the earth two times if stuck end to end. The walls were made a few hundred years ago and are still standing. It was lambing time and they were so cute in the fields with their moms. I'm still a little bit tired from all the plane travel. Well I must have brought the rain with me becuase it's raining in Canada. The morning Vangie and I left Windemere I looked out the window I gave her the weather report. '' It's not raining, YET." Love you all. Hope to get a picture in sometime, as soon as I can get to a computer that will let me. TTFN BJ

1 comment:

Andy said...

you're cute ma, have fun.