Sunday, May 18, 2008

In watching TV this morning I saw that the temputure was 90 in Salt Lake. David promptly said "Lets stay here." This is going to be shock to our systems because we have been in 50 or less tempture for the whole time. It is just starting to warm up becuase we are starting to move west. Fog, rain, and cold rain was what we were in on Prince Edward Island. That is where Anne of Green Gables was written. Yes we do have pictures of the house eventuly. What happend was that we were going down the road and there was a sign that said Green Gables. So we took pictures of the house. I thought it was kind of small, then we stoped by a information center and found out that was the post office. They had written postoffice in very small letters at the bottom of the sign. I think they did that so dumb turests like us would take picutres of their post office. But hay when it comes to signs the sign on Andrews blog (good luck) is so true. I laughed alot when I saw that sign. Have to get ready to go. TTFN BJ

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