Sunday, May 11, 2008

We're back in Canada. They have really cool light houses. The lighthouses in Canada on the east coast are even better that the ones in Main. We were at a museum in a shopping mall. In the same mall,( 3 stories tall) there was the city library. Then there was a sky walkway that took you to another mall. Really fun. One of these days all the Girls in the family need to go mall walking. David is great but mall walking is a "kind of a girl thing". David told me that Gidian was deaf. Well now I have the best reason to learn sign language. I've wanted to learn for a while I just never got around to doing anything about it. Back to school.( change of subject) The forest is green and brown. the pine and fur trees are the green and all the other trees don't have any leaves yet. A sticks and tree forest. I saw an eastern red deer. They are about half the size of a mule deer but the coat of the deer with it's redish color is beautiful. I haven't seen any moose so far but you never know. TTFN Love All BJ

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