Tuesday, May 13, 2008

If you want to see light houses then you nees to come to the Meritime Providences they have 105 of them. We have seen a few, I don't think that we will try for all of them. Some can only be seen if you are on a boat coming into shore. The wind has been blowing hard today. Along the line of abt. 60 mph. It feels like more. Having a great time. I shot some great pictures. Can't waite till there devloped and scanned in so I can start posting them. TTFN BJ


Syhalla said...

Of course, if you'd gone digital, you could have posted them already. Jes sayin... ;D

Andy said...

Just think, for half the price of development- or the same price if you get nice lenzes- you can go digital, skip the development and scanning part and have it directly on the computer! You can also make prints like normal for the ones you love. Instant feed back on your shots, nearly unlimited pictures on good memory cards. etc.