Monday, May 19, 2008

My post didn't post so if this is a repeat I'm sorry. We are going to go see a missle silo I think tomarrow. David reserved a slot for us in a day or is it the day after. Not sure. But we can't miss out spot. We have been driving alot these last 2 days so we could be there on time. It is getting warmer it's about up to 58 here. I am at the Allen County library, the largest geneology library in the east. Humm could that be why David stopped here? Well I'm going to look around a bit. This kids part of the library is realy great with fish tanks and a realy cool reading area. Going to go wonder. TTFN BJ

1 comment:

Andy said...

By the way, Heather is lovin' it that you guys are still away. I think she enjoys having a house to herself. (Don't mention I told you) So if it's too hot feel free to stay out there! LOL.