Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rio Grand

Not quite so grand but still realy nice. TTFN BJ

1 comment:

Andy said...

I like your cute comments about your trip and I love to see you posting while your out and about.

Just a warning when you do get back ages from now, Dart has devolved into a kitty "love me" tiger. He will either trip you until you give him TONS of love or he will seek you out and leap upon you to force you to love him. So you may be wearing a Dart scarf for the first hour you walk in the door. Nothing will stop him. trust me... I suggest tag team unloading and settling, OR a thick shirt and carry in lighter stuff with your temp scarf.

You've missed the worst of winter and it really is spring when a big storm can dump 2 ft of snow in the valley and then have it all melted in 5 days. Other wise, we miss you and love you and can't wait for all the fun details when you do get back!
