Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yet another wet and wooly weekend has passed. Soggy, squish, squish. We went to the garlic festival in a soggy field. It was fun and squishy. Today we saw a female bear with 3 cubs. I was out shooting, from a safe distance, and the bears walked down the road right by David in the car. One of the cubs put his front paws on the bumper to look in on David. The mother bear checked him out to. I shot quiet a few pictures using the long lense on the camera. I gave mom bear a lot of space to feel comphy in. We also saw the worlds longest beach. It was 25 miles long. It was also a beach that you realy don't go sun yourself on. Iteresting that in all the gift shops they have rain jackets, all weather jackets, sweatshirts, fleece jackets, but no swimming suites or suntan lotin. Hummmmm this could have meaning. TTFN BJ

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