Wednesday, April 23, 2008

David could you please check on my Visya card. The phone number is on the back of the card. It didn't go throught today. Make sure that security isn't blocking the card. Also you may want to remind them that the card will be used in canada at the same time it might be used in the United Kingdom. Having a very wonderful time and seeing alot. It rained today, this is the first rain that I had since I came. There a lots of wonderful buildings around. The museum had things from the Roman times. Soooo cool. I'm learning the bus system a bit and I'm starting to think with an accent. I have to watch myself that I don't try to talk with the accent because someone might think that I'm making fun of them. When you hear is so much you sort of start thinking with it. (David I will stay one more night in Edinburgh before I fly out. Tell the card company that. I have to come back on Friday because of the railroad work being done. Some delays, and I don't want to miss my flight to Canada.) Lots of big loves to everyone and big kisses to all my grand kids. TTFN BJ

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